
The following examples illustrate how capabilities and conditional directives can be used in system-wide and user configuration files.

Lines stating with # are comments. They are ignored by oidentd.

System-wide Configuration File

This configuration allows ryan to send spoofed and random Ident replies, except in response to lookups for connections to example.net. Other users' connections are hidden so that no user information is disclosed.

default {  # User defaults
	default {  # Connection defaults
		# Hide all connections from users not
		# explicitly listed in this file.
		force hide

user ryan {  # Settings for user "ryan"

	default {  # Connection defaults
		# Allow ryan to send custom Ident replies,
		# except for the names of other users.
		allow spoof

		# Allow ryan to send random Ident replies.
		allow random

	to example.net {  # Connections to example.net
		# Do not allow ryan to spoof Ident replies.
		force reply "ryan"

User Configuration File

This user configuration file instructs oidentd to reply to Ident queries for connections to foreign ports 6667 through 6697 with the name of a random Greek letter. This requires the spoof capability. It also requires the spoof_all capability if there is a local user named "alpha", "beta", or "gamma".

A random alphanumeric Ident reply is sent in response to all other queries. This requires the random capability.

global {  # Connection defaults
	# Send random Ident replies by default.

fport 6667:6697 {  # Foreign ports from 6667 to 6697
	# Choose one of three Greek letters at random.
	reply "alpha" "beta" "gamma"